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Prepare your offer

Prepare your offer

06 Mar 2010

The birth of a child is a source of joy for the whole family, but also an extra expense, that is why the family\'s financial resources must be managed carefully. If we decided to hire a nanny to help us raising a child, the first thing you must do is calculate the family’s budget to see if we can afford and if so, what amount of money is available.

The next step would be a market study to find out the requested rates for this type of services.It is good to keep in mind that if we want a nanny for our baby, a qualified nanny with higher education, who speaks foreign languages and knows teaching methods, her fee will be obviously higher than the one of a nanny without qualification, but experienced in caring for children.

For choosing a suitable nanny, babysitter for the your child, a real help will be drawing up a list of obligations which the future nanny will have to fulfill and a list of skills and qualifications you wantthe nanny to possess. Obviously babysitter’s salary will be calculated according to the responsibilities presented in job description, we can not have "full service" at very low prices. Therefore our claims, as parents and the babysitter\'s claims must be reasonable, here intervening the art of negotiation, on the parties degree of satisfaction depending the baby\'s welfare.
A mistake that should be avoided by parents is confusing the nanny with the housekeeper. Clearly the work of nanny, babysitter involves besides the actual child care taking and a light housework: preparing baby’s food, the cleanliness of his room, maybe washing and ironing the baby’s clothes, but for here up to transforming the nanny, baby sitter in the housekeeper of entire family is a long way. If the person occupying the position of nanny, babysitter is busy cooking, washing, ironing and cleaning for the whole family when she will have time to deal with the child and his education? After all, this is what she was employed for!

Another aspect which should take into account is the number of children in the family. The nanny who will care for two or more children charges you with a higher fee. Age child can influence the rate, babies and preschool chlidren are requiring constant attention due to their greater dependence on adults and last but not least the number of hours and days worked per week by nanny influence the requested salary.

The legality of collaboration with a nanny or babysitter is another aspect which should consider. We can call a recruitment agency specialized in nannies, babysitters or can choose a private nanny, with the status of authorized person; in both cases we have the certainly that nannies have been verified, plus we sign a contract to be protected by the law if there are problemes.

Prepare your offer
Author: Andreea Ioana Colotin
Source: NannySource

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